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8.30–12.00 – Lokal: J1
Kursen riktar sig till verksamhetschefer, forskare, doktorander, läkare, forskningssjuksköterskor, ny biobankspersonal, kvalitetsansvariga, forskningsstödjande personal och andra som kommer i kontakt med biobankning.
Anmälan: Course – Basic principles of biobanking >>
(Observera att den här länken kan användas om du endast har tänkt att anmäla dig till kursen.)
Kursansvarig: Kristina Lind, PhD, Biobank Väst, Göteborg, Sverige
8.30–8.45 | Välkommen och introduktion |
8.45–9.30 | Introduktion till biobankning och svenska biobankslagen. Kristina Lind, projektledare Biobank Väst. |
9.30–10.00 | Etikprövning – hur fungerar det och vad bör man tänka på ur ett biobanksperspektiv. Elin Stenfeldt, projektledare Biobank Väst. |
10.00–10.15 | Fika |
10.15–11.15 | Biobanksansökan – tillgång till prov för forskning. Elin Stenfeldt, projektledare Biobank Väst. |
11.15–12.00 | Viktiga aspekter vid provtagning och provhantering för biobankning. Kristina Lind, projektledare Biobank Väst. |
12.00–13.00 | Förmiddagen avslutas med en lättare lunch. |
12.00–13.00 – Room: Conference Lobby, second floor
13.00–17.00 – Room: R17+R18
Working with quality management is not just documentation; its main pillar is to work in an environment of change and seek continuous improvement. How do we build our organization around quality and how do we find motivation within the organization to achieve higher quality? And who is quality for?
In this workshop, we will discuss how biobanks can work with continuous improvement, with customer needs (fitness for intended purpose) in mind, by giving examples from the implementation of ISO20387:2018 Biotechnology –Biobanking- General requirements for biobanking. By the end of the workshop, we aim to have status of where the Nordic countries are today, how we can collaborate, and which direction we would like to head.
Lennart Gidlöf, Senior Consultant with many years as an expert in international standardization, Sustema, Sweden
Liv Paltiel, Quality Manager at Department for Biobanks at FHI, Folkehelseinstituttet, Norway
Karina Lövstedt, Quality Manager at Biobank Väst, Sweden and chair of Biobank Swedens Network for Implementation of ISO20387, Sweden
Karolin Bergenstråhle, Project Manager, Biobank Sweden, Sweden
Malin Åhsblom, Quality Coordinator, Uppsala Biobank, Sweden
15.00–17.00 – Room: R14
For many biobanks, financing, and installation of automated storage solutions at ultralow temperatures have been a clear challenge. It can certainly boost the quality and through-put of biobank performances but has equally created frustrations and set-backs related to unstable operational situations.
What is the rational for the selected temperature for storage? Is – 80 still a challenge for the applied technologies? Is there a compelling scientific justification for choosing – 80 and not -70 and could a slight raise of temperature improve the operational stability.
Costly and unstable technological solutions have a clear effect on running costs and ultimately on biobank sustainability. What are the environmental issues to be considered?
In this workshop we will address these questions, both form a provider and a user perspective. We will also touch upon challenges with established stores in the Nordic countries, including services and maintenance during the recent pandemic.
Dean Montano, Azenta Life Science
Grace Abberley, Azenta Life Science
Lutz Doms, CEO, Askion GmbH
Axel Stamme, Sales Manager Sample Management, Hamilton Storage Germany GmbH
Kristian Hveem, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Head of Biobank Norway, Norway
Anne Jorunn Vikdal, Project Coordinator/Biomedical Laboratory Scientist, HUNT Biobank, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Quality Manager, Biobank Norway, Norway
Vegard Marschhäuser, Project Manager HUNT Research Centre, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Coordinator Biobank Norway, Norway
15.00–17.00 – Room: R11+R12
Education is important, in biobanking and everywhere else. In biobanking, much education and training take place in front of an instrument or freezer, and is taught by the nearest co-worker or local super user. There are, however, also a number of courses for biobankers dealing with topics such as sample quality, ethical and legal perspectives, laboratory management and research perspectives. In this workshop we will hear from organisers of Nordic biobank courses and expand to European options.
Lasse Boding, PhD, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark. ”Take home from the annual PhD course: Biobanking in the era of personalised medicine”.
Tina Bossow, Consultant, Novo Nordisk, Denmark. ”Experiences from Certificate – Principles in Biobanking, Luxembourg and Master of Science in Biobanking, University of Graz”.
Solveig Kvam, Biobank1 St. Olavs hospital. ”Experiences from Masters course and Continuing education in Research Biobanking, Norwegian University of Science and Technology”.
Linda Paavilainen, Project Coordinator, Uppsala Biobank, Sweden. ”Course in biobank samples for medical research”.
Lasse Boding, PhD, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark
17.30–19.00 – Exhibition Hall F
Mingle sponsored by the City of Gothenburg & Region Västra Götaland and offers the opportunity for light refreshments. The mingle will be held within the Exhibition Hall F and is open for all registered participants. Pre-registration is mandatory.