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Conference program

02022-09-06 (pre-conf. day)

Download the conference program book here >> (pdf)

8.30–12.00 – Lokal: J1

Course: Basic principles of biobanking
(only in Swedish)

Kursen riktar sig till verksamhetschefer, forskare, doktorander, läkare, forskningssjuksköterskor, ny biobankspersonal, kvalitetsansvariga, forskningsstödjande personal och andra som kommer i kontakt med biobankning.

Anmälan: Course – Basic principles of biobanking >>
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Kursansvarig: Kristina Lind, PhD, Biobank Väst, Göteborg, Sverige

8.30–8.45Välkommen och introduktion
8.45–9.30Introduktion till biobankning och svenska biobankslagen.
Kristina Lind, projektledare Biobank Väst.
9.30–10.00Etikprövning – hur fungerar det och vad bör man tänka på ur ett biobanksperspektiv.
Elin Stenfeldt, projektledare Biobank Väst.
10.15–11.15Biobanksansökan – tillgång till prov för forskning.
Elin Stenfeldt, projektledare Biobank Väst.
11.15–12.00Viktiga aspekter vid provtagning och provhantering för biobankning.
Kristina Lind, projektledare Biobank Väst.
12.00–13.00Förmiddagen avslutas med en lättare lunch.

12.00–13.00 – Room: Conference Lobby, second floor

Lunch: Workshop A and Course – Basic principles of biobanking

13.00–17.00 – Room: R17+R18

Workshop A is fully booked!

Workshop A – Quality management- continuous improvement with customer needs (fitness for intended purpose) in mind

Working with quality management is not just documentation; its main pillar is to work in an environment of change and seek continuous improvement. How do we build our organization around quality and how do we find motivation within the organization to achieve higher quality? And who is quality for?

In this workshop, we will discuss how biobanks can work with continuous improvement, with customer needs (fitness for intended purpose) in mind, by giving examples from the implementation of ISO20387:2018 Biotechnology –Biobanking- General requirements for biobanking. By the end of the workshop, we aim to have status of where the Nordic countries are today, how we can collaborate, and which direction we would like to head.

Program – Workshop A >>

Invited speakers

Lennart Gidlöf, Senior Consultant with many years as an expert in international standardization, Sustema, Sweden

Liv Paltiel, Quality Manager at Department for Biobanks at FHI, Folkehelseinstituttet, Norway

Karina Lövstedt, Quality Manager at Biobank Väst, Sweden and chair of Biobank Swedens Network for Implementation of ISO20387, Sweden

Karolin Bergenstråhle, Project Manager, Biobank Sweden, Sweden

Malin Åhsblom, Quality Coordinator, Uppsala Biobank, Sweden

15.00–17.00 – Room: R14

Workshop B is fully booked!

Workshop B – Automated storage solutions

For many biobanks, financing, and installation of automated storage solutions at ultralow temperatures have been a clear challenge. It can certainly boost the quality and through-put of biobank performances but has equally created frustrations and set-backs related to unstable operational situations.

What is the rational for the selected temperature for storage? Is – 80 still a challenge for the applied technologies? Is there a compelling scientific justification for choosing – 80 and not -70 and could a slight raise of temperature improve the operational stability.

Costly and unstable technological solutions have a clear effect on running costs and ultimately on biobank sustainability. What are the environmental issues to be considered?

In this workshop we will address these questions, both form a provider and a user perspective. We will also touch upon challenges with established stores in the Nordic countries, including services and maintenance during the recent pandemic.

Invited speakers

Dean Montano, Azenta Life Science

Grace Abberley, Azenta Life Science

Lutz Doms, CEO, Askion GmbH

Axel Stamme, Sales Manager Sample Management, Hamilton Storage Germany GmbH

Kristian Hveem, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Head of Biobank Norway, Norway

Anne Jorunn Vikdal, Project Coordinator/Biomedical Laboratory Scientist, HUNT Biobank, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Quality Manager, Biobank Norway, Norway

Vegard Marschhäuser, Project Manager HUNT Research Centre, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Coordinator Biobank Norway, Norway

15.00–17.00 – Room: R11+R12

Workshop C is fully booked!

Workshop C – Education in biobanking

Education is important, in biobanking and everywhere else. In biobanking, much education and training take place in front of an instrument or freezer, and is taught by the nearest co-worker or local super user. There are, however, also a number of courses for biobankers dealing with topics such as sample quality, ethical and legal perspectives, laboratory management and research perspectives. In this workshop we will hear from organisers of Nordic biobank courses and expand to European options.

Invited speakers

Lasse Boding, PhD, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark. ”Take home from the annual PhD course: Biobanking in the era of personalised medicine”. 

Tina Bossow, Consultant, Novo Nordisk, Denmark. ”Experiences from Certificate – Principles in Biobanking, Luxembourg and Master of Science in Biobanking, University of Graz”.

Solveig Kvam, Biobank1 St. Olavs hospital. ”Experiences from Masters course and Continuing education in Research Biobanking, Norwegian University of Science and Technology”.

Linda Paavilainen, Project Coordinator, Uppsala Biobank, Sweden. ”Course in biobank samples for medical research”.

Lasse Boding, PhD, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

17.30–19.00 – Exhibition Hall F

Mingle sponsored by the City of Gothenburg & Region Västra Götaland and offers the opportunity for light refreshments. The mingle will be held within the Exhibition Hall F and is open for all registered participants. Pre-registration is mandatory.

02022-09-06 (pre-conf. day)

Download the conference program book here >> (pdf)

8.00–8.45 – Room: Exhibition Hall F


The conference registration desk is located inside the Exhibition Hall F, second floor, and is open during the hours of the conference.

8.45–9.10 – Room: F4+F5


Opening of the Nordic Biobank Conference.

Linda Paulson, Chair of Steering Committe, Head of Biobank West, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden.

Lasse Boding, Member of Steering Committe, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark.

Representatives from Region Västra Götaland and City of Gothenburg. Annika Tännström, President of the Regional Council and Håkan Eriksson, Deputy Lord Mayor.

Sonja Eaker Fält, Chair of National Advisory Board Biobank Sweden, Sweden.

9.10–9.50 – Room: F4+F5

Keynote speaker

Very large-scale biobank projects, experiences from FinnGen

Professor Aarno Palotie, FinnGen

FinnGen is a large public-private partnership aiming to collect and analyse genome and health data from 500,000 Finnish biobank participants by 2023. FinnGen aims on one hand to provide novel medically and therapeutically relevant insights but also construct a world-class resource that can be applied for future studies.

As of May 2022, the Finnish biobanks have collected DNA samples from more than 530 000 possible FinnGen participants. From these, the FinnGen study produces comprehensive genome variant data using genome-wide genotyping and imputation that is based on a population specific sequencing imputation backbone. Using this strategy, variants can be reliably imputed down to very low frequency due to the strong bottleneck effect which the Finnish population has experienced.

Read more about the project

The study utilizes the extensive longitudinal health register data available on all Finns that record hospital and outpatient visits, prescription drug purchases, causes of death and many others. These registers cover the entire lifespan and have been digitalized for decades. This data provides unique opportunities to study disease associations (GWAS and PheWAS), disease trajectories and comorbidities.

The latest data freeze from April 2022 consists of over 392 000 individuals. The study has so far identified over 400 new disease associated loci where the associated variant is enriched in the Finnish population, including over 150 damaging coding variants. These provide potential for further functional studies and new insight in disease mechanisms. FinnGen releases summary level results for the whole research community twice a year.

The study currently involves Finnish biobanks, University Hospitals and their respective Universities, the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL), the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service and twelve pharmaceutical companies. www.finngen.fi/en


Professor Aarno Palotie, MD, PhD is the research director of the Human Genomics program at FIMM-HiLife. He is also a faculty member at the Center for Human Genome Research at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and associate member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. He has a long track record in human disease genetics. He has hold professorships and group leader positions at the University of Helsinki, UCLA and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. He has also been the director of the Finnish Genome Center and Laboratory of Molecular Genetics in the Helsinki University Hospital. He is the Scientific Director of the large FinnGen project that combines the genome and national health record data from 500 000 Finnish participants.

Aarno Palotie

9.50–10.30 – Room: F4+F5

Keynote speaker

Cardiovascular discoveries and Covid at deCODE genetics

Hilma Holm, Head of Cardiovascular at deCODE genetics

Read more

Cardiovascular discoveries and Covid at deCODE genetics

DeCODE genetics, a subsidiary of Amgen Inc., is a genetics research entity that was founded by Kári Stefánsson in Iceland in 1996. Leveraging the participation of more than half of the Icelandic population, detailed genealogical information on Icelanders in the Book of Icelanders, and large international collaborations, deCODE has contributed substantially to our current understanding of the human genome. Scientists at deCODE have discovered major characteristics of mutational processes that generate sequence diversity in the human genome, information that is of paramount importance both to medical genetics and to evolutionary studies. Scientists at deCODE have also discovered key genetic risk factors for rare and common diseases ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer, and have used these findings as tools to further our understanding of disease pathophysiology, including causality.

In 2016, the deCODE Health Study was launched, a prospective cohort study in Iceland with extensive phenotypic and genotypic information, facilitating further discoveries on the relationship between phenotypes and genotypes, including the identification of new syndromes. Following the initiation of the Covid pandemic, the deCODE Health Study was leveraged to investigate the health consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In her talk, Hilma Hólm will provide examples of discoveries at deCODE relating to cardiovascular diseases and discuss the deCODE post-Covid study.


Hilma Holm, MD, is the head of the Cardiovascular Research Department at deCODE genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland. She is an expert in echocardiology, cardiovascular genetics and population genetics research. She is actively involved in a wide range of genetic cardiovascular research, including on lipids and atherosclerosis, cardiac conduction and arrhythmias, congenital heart disesae, valve disease and heart failure. She also directs the deCODE Health Study, a prospective cohort study in Iceland with extensive phenotypic and genotypic information.

10.30–11.00 – Room: Exhibition Hall F

Coffee break – Exhibition and Posters

11.00–12.30 – Room: F4+F5

Symposium 1

Combining registries with biobank samples

Stored human biological material suitable for modern molecular analysis in combination with clinical and demographic registries are the most critical resources for research-based translation of advances in molecular biology and advanced technologies into improved human health.  The in-depth characterization of human diversity as dictated by variation in the sequences of genomes is now possible on a population-scale. Coupled with longitudinal information about disease risk factors, etiological processes and outcomes, an unparalleled opportunity currently exists to optimize prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of many acute and chronic diseases.

Chair: Lasse Boding, PhD, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark. 

Invited speakers


Bjarke Feenstra, Senior Scientist, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

Understanding health and disease by leveraging the potential of large national biobanks and health registries


Åke Lernmark, Senior Professor, Lund University, Sweden

The TEDDY study – understanding diabetes in the young by combining big data and biobanking.

Oral abstract presenters


Minttu Sauramo, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland

THL Biobank’s Availability Service utilizes register data for focused responses on researchers’ feasibility studies. 


Maria Wennberg, PhD, Umeå University, Sweden

The Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study – Prospective blood samples and data from >140 000 individuals in Västerbotten county.

12.30–14.00 – Room: Exhibition Hall F

Lunch – Exhibition and Posters

14.00–15.30 – Room: F3

Symposium 2a

Sample quality

During the sample quality session, the topics will include sampling techniques and the effect of sampling on sample quality, the impact of sample quality on false findings in research, and how to classify and control for sample quality which is “fit for purpose”. 

Chair: Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Associate Professor, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg and Biobank West at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden

Invited speakers


Anders Ståhlberg, Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Cell-free DNA analysis in blood plasma: preanalytical considerations and clinical applications.


Anne Jorunn Vikdal, Quality Manager Biobank Norway and Project Coordinator HUNT Biobank – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

The Trøndelag Health Study; HUNTing for good sample quality for over 30 years.

Oral abstract presenters


Christoph Brochhausen, Professor, University Regensburg, Germany

Structural and molecular quality of Tissue samples after 10 years storage under different protocols based on -80°C and liquid nitrogen.


Anders Pedersen, PhD, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

NMR as a general tool for assessing serum/plasma sample quality: identify sampling tube, sample integrity and other preanalytical characteristics.

Panel discussion


Minimizing Sampling Bias – how to make samples usable in the long perspective and to avoid false positive and false negative findings.

Anne Jorunn Vikdal, Project coordinator/Biomedical Laboratory Scientist, HUNT Biobank, Quality manager for Biobank Norway
Christoph Brochhausen, Professor University Regensburg, Germany
Anders Pedersen, PhD, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Anders Ståhlberg, Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

14.00–15.30 – Room: F4+F5

Symposium 2b

Biobank research brings a number of ethical and societal challenges such as finding appropriate avenues to inform participants about data and sample uses, involving participants in the research processes, and ensuring that participant trust and stakeholder engagement is maintained. In this session, particular focus will be put on some key ethical considerations in biobanking including and approaches for the ethically and legally robust sharing of data between Nordic countries. 

Chair: Isabelle Budin Ljøsne, PhD, Norwegian Institute of Public Health/ Biobank Norway – CS2 ELSI Norway 

Invited speakers


Ann M. Gronowski, PhD, Professor of Pathology & Immunology, and Obstetrics & Gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, USA

Ethical issues in Biobanking


Heidi Beate Bentzen, PhD, Researcher, University of Oslo, Norway

Data sharing between countries

Oral abstract presenters


Janna Nissen, PhD, Copenhagen Hospital Biobank, Denmark

Experience from information letter sent to 301.363 patients with a sample in The Copenhagen Hospital Biobank.


Gesine Richter, University of Kiel, Germany

Secondary research use of personal medical data: Patient attitudes towards data donation.

15.30–16.00 – Room: Exhibition Hall F

Coffee break – Exhibition and Posters

16.00–17.30 – Room: F4+F5

Symposium 3a

Next generation biobanking

This session will address the topic from several angles.

The current pandemic has shown that established biobanks may play a new and crucial role as an invaluable clinical platform for contingency studies of a new and life-threatening disease where valid prospective, population-based research is pivotal. We see an outline of a next generation biobanking contributing more directly and immediate to clinical translation of research.

Biobanks struggle with incomplete technical solutions and huge costs for automated storage at ultralow temperatures. Will new technologies markedly change the handling of biobank samples? Is Room Temperature Samples Storage (RTSS) the future solutions? 

Chair: Anne Jorunn Vikdal, Project Coordinator/Biomedical Laboratory Scientist, HUNT Biobank, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Quality Manager, Biobank Norway, Norway

Invited speakers


Bart Wilkowski, PhD, IT Section Leader, Danish National Biobank, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

A decade of challenges with automated storage systems at ultra-low temperatures – are we better off without them?


Thomas Illig, Professor, MD, PhD, Scientific Head of Hannover Unified Biobank, Head of Research of the Department of Human Genetics, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany

Biobanking meets Omics.

Oral abstract presenters


Christian Stephan, KAIROS – an IQVIA business, Germany

Next Generation Biobanking: The Future of Personalized Medicine.


Thorben Seeger, Lifebit Biotech Ltd, United Kingdom

Delivery of Federated Trusted Research Environments for collaborative, secure analysis of distributed clinico-genomic data.

16.00–17.30 – Room: F3

Symposium 3b

Biobank sustainability

Building up a sustainable biobank infrastructure includes challenges and opportunities. In this session we will discuss different strategies biobanks can adopt towards sustainable biobanking. Examples will be given of public-private partnerships, the creation of new resources to increase the value of the biobank and providing new types of research services. In addition, ways to advertise and present the biobank resources to the large research community will be explored.

Chair: Kaisa Silander, THL Biobank, Research Manager, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland 

Invited speakers


Johanna Mäkelä, Director of Research and Service at FINBB, Finland

Fingenious – Your gateway to Finnish Biobanks and Biomedical Research.


Kristian Hveem, Professor, Biobank Norway, Norway

Sustainable biobanks – challenges and future perspectives.

Oral abstract presenters


Linda Paavilainen, Uppsala Biobank, Sweden

It’s Imperative to be Intuitive – How to lower the threshold for access to samples.


Niina Eklund, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland

High-quality health-research benefits from sustainable biobanking. 


Conference dinner at Valands festvåning

The conference dinner will take place at Valands festvåning, a grandiose house dating from 1886. The house is located in the middle of the city at the parade street Avenyn. Dinner and entertainment will be provided.

Pre-registration is mandatory.

Address: Valands festvåning, Vasagatan 41, Göteborg

02022-09-06 (pre-conf. day)

Download the conference program book here >> (pdf)

8.15–8.25 – Room: F4+F5


Linda Paulson, Chair of Steering Committe, Head of Biobank West, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden.

Lasse Boding, Member of Steering Committe, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark.

8.25–8.50 – Room: F4+F5

Advancing biobanking in Europe – from community engagement to cross-country collaborations with Nordic biobanks

BBMRI-ERIC is the European research infrastructure for biobanking and biomolecular resources, established in 2013. Through our directory we enable access to 700 biobanks with 1800 collections, including cohorts in the areas of e.g. cancer, rare diseases, paediatrics, COVID-19 and infectious diseases across Europe. We are also bringing together researchers, biobankers, industry, and patients with the goal of boosting life science research.

Read more about BBMRI-ERIC

To that end, we offer quality management services, support with ethical, legal, and societal issues, biobanking development and an online platform with tools for access, exchange, and analyses. BBMRI-ERIC is currently funded by 23 European countries and IARC/WHO.

With its vision for the 2022-2024 Work Programme, BBMRI-ERIC plans to intensify its engagement with the biobanking communities, as well as researchers, clinicians and other important actors, such as industry. While Finland, Sweden, and Norway are already on board of the BBMRI-ERIC community, the presentation will discuss the importance of reaching even deeper into the Nordic communities, and looking into possible ways of further strengthening the collaboration with the BBMRI National Nodes, its biobanks and their stakeholders both, within BBMRI network specific activities and within common EU project activities. The presentation will address also the benefits for Denmark and Iceland potentially joining the BBMRI-ERIC community.

Invited speaker

Jens K. Habermann, MD, PhD, Director General BBMRI-ERIC, Austria 

9.00–10.30 – Room: F4+F5

Symposium 4a

The role of Nordic biobanks in pandemics

In this session different ways to utilize biobanks in Covid-19 research will be described, such as the collection of new samples to study long covid, linking genomic biobank data with hospital and register data to provide insight into disease development, and how the biobank infrastructure was harnessed to develop mass testing of Covid-19 in the population. These provide good examples for how biobank infrastructures can support the study of emerging pandemics.

Chair: Satu Koskela, PhD, Assoc. Professor, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service Biobank, Finland

Invited speakers


Markus Perola, Research Professor, THL Biobank, Finland

Utilizing Finnish biobanks in Covid-19 research. 


Karina Meden Sørensen, Section Leader, Laboratory Manager, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

Using the Danish National Biobank infrastructure as a platform to develop mass testing of COVID-19 in the population.

Oral abstract presenters


Trine Altø, HUNT Research Center and Biobank, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

HUNT COVID – a prospective population study for pandemic surveillance. 


Elisabeth Norén, Biobank Sweden, Sweden

National coordination of biobanking related to Covid-19.

9.00–10.30 – Room: F3

Symposium 4b

Good examples of biobank research

As biobanks can give researchers access to samples from a large number of people they have become a very efficient and important resource in medical research. Thus, they are supporting cutting edge research in e.g. genomics and personalized medicine. The session will provide a broad perspective as well as specific examples on excellent research based on biobanks.

Chair: Erik Sørensen, PhD, Operational Director Copenhagen Hospital Biobank Unit, Denmark

Invited speakers


Mark Divers, PhD, Director, Karolinska Institutet Biobank, Sweden

Biobanks make a difference: why Time magazine and Forbes got it right


Jonas Ghouse, MD, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Use of genetic profiling of a large biobank combined with prescription patterns to discover genetic loci associated with adverse drug reactions

Oral abstract presenters


Jonna Clancy, FRC Blood Service Biobank, Finland

Improving biobank collection usability by computational HLA and KIR typing methods.


Margit Larsen, PhD, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Large Scale Investigation of Biomarkers using MesoScale Discovery Platform.

10.30–11.00 – Room: Exhibition Hall F

Coffee break – Exhibition and Posters

11.00–12.30 – Room: F4+F5

Symposium 5a


The infrastructure of Biobank Sweden aims to give Sweden the best prerequisites for healthcare and research within the biobank area, both national and international. 

AstraZeneca’s vision is a global biobank infrastructure with visibility, in full compliance with ethical and legal standards and rapid access to samples.

In this session we will also address the EU clinical trial regulation, which came into force in January 2022, and discuss some of the obvious possibilities and hidden obstacles in getting the much-needed infrastructure in place.

Chair: Camilla Hildesjö, Med Lic, Custodian Biobank Östergötland, Regionalt biobankscentrum Linköping, Sweden

Invited speakers


Sonja Eaker Fält, PhD, Head of Biobank Sweden, Sweden

Biobank Sweden, a national infrastructure with regional availability


Karin Gedda, PhD, Associate Director, AstraZeneca, Sweden

Biobanking from a global perspective

Oral abstract presenters


Jock Nielsen, PhD, Copenhagen Hospital, Denmark

Data management and design in Biobank-merging.


Johanna Sandgren, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank -A national sample-collection and genomic characterization initiative of pediatric solid tumors for research purpose.

11.00–12.30 – Room: F3

Symposium 5b

Patient engagement and return of genomic data

Health care is moving towards patient-centered and precision medicine where biobanking-based research will play an important role. In this symposium we will discuss biobanking from the patients perspective as perceived by a patient advocate and a genetic counsellor. Both have extensive experience in representing patient interest in an area of different stakeholders. We will address weaknesses in the legal framework and ethical dilemmas hindering optimal biobanking.

Traditionally, the role of patients has been as research study participants. But with the patient-centred healthcare, its more accepted to have them as collaborators in the study design, development, and governance of biobanks as well as for future strategies. Dynamic consent for empowerment of patients/participants will also be addressed.

Chair: Jón Jónsson, Professor, Landspitali – University of Iceland, Iceland

Invited speakers


Vigdis Stefansdottir, PhD, University of Iceland, Iceland

Recontacting, cascade and opportunistic testing. Sharing data and information with patients.


Margareta Haag, Chair of the network against cancer, Sweden

Patient partnership, a key to precision health

Oral abstract presenters


Anna Clareborn, Biobank Sweden, Sweden

Margareta Haag, Chair of the network against cancer, Sweden

Eskil Degsell, Vice president, Swedish Brain Tumour Association, Sweden

Collaborating with Patients and Next of Kin: Towards a Culture of Equal Partnership.


Shona Kerr, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Viking Genes: Return of actionable genetic research results to Scottish cohort participants.

12.30–13.30 – Room: Exhibition Hall F

Lunch – Exhibition and Posters

13.30–15.00 – Room: F4+F5

Symposium 6a


What can digitalization offer biobanks and biobank research? New ways to visualize vast amounts of data, explore different scenarios and obtain novel research ideas will be shown, including health register data and genomic data. In addition, developing digital services for biobank sample donors, built inside the hospital settings will be described. These include consent management and recontact of donors.

Chair: Kimmo Savinainen, Deputy Head of Finnish Clinical Biobank Tampere, Tampere University Hospital, Finland

Invited speakers


Aki Lehto, ICT-Architect, Tampere University Hospital, Finland

OmaTays – enabling digital consent interaction for Tampere Biobank


Toni Mikkola, Data Scientist, Tampere University Hospital, Finland

Short introduction to unstructured patient records, – From regular expressions to text classification

Oral abstract presenters


Hanna Fransson, Biobank Sweden, Sweden

National Biobank Register (NBR) – the regions’ common IT system with data about samples kept in biobanks.


Nina Krüger, Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Development and implementation of electronic informed consent for cancer research. 

13.30–15.00 – Room: F3

Symposium 6b

Innovative technologies

New developments from all directions are transforming biobanking and making it possible to do so much more with samples and data that represent complex biology. This symposium will look at some examples of technology leaps that either build on biobanks or transform what they can do.

Chair: Mark Divers, PhD, Director, Karolinska Institutet Biobank, Sweden

Invited speakers


Mattias Rantalainen, Lecturer Senior, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

The CHIME project – leveraging national registries and biobanks to develop AI-based solutions for cancer precision pathology


Päivi Östling, Researcher, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Material flows needed for multi-onic and functional precision medicine.

Oral abstract presenters


Jón Jónsson, Professor, Landspitali – University Of Iceland, Iceland

Evaluation of DNA damage in biosamples. 


Cindy Lawley, PhD, Olink, USA

Proximity extension assay in combination with Next-Generation Sequencing for high-throughput proteome-wide analysis in large population health and biobank studies.

15.00–15.20 – Room: Exhibition Hall F

Coffee break – Exhibition and Posters

15.20–16.05 – Room F4+F5

Panel discussion – Collaboration between Nordic Biobanks


Frida Lundmark, The Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, LIF, Sweden


Sweden: Sonja Eaker Fält, Biobank Sweden
Norway: Kristian Hveem, NTNU, Biobank Norway
Denmark: Lasse Boding, Danish National Biobank
Finland: Marco Hautalahti, FINBB
Iceland: Jón Jónsson, University of Iceland

16.05–16.15 – Room: F4+F5

Closing remarks and the future of Nordic Biobank Conference

Linda Paulson, Chair of Steering Committe, Head of Biobank West, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden.

Lasse Boding, Member of Steering Committe, Head of Coordinating Centre, Danish National Biobank. Statens Serum Institut, Denmark.